Shakilddin Ansari, a dedicated blogger from Shahjahanpur, crafts compelling stories, writing, offering readers a window into extraordinary lives. A versatile and passionate blogger, this writer captivates readers by blending creativity, knowledge, and insight, seamlessly weaving English grammar, storytelling, poetic expression, Hadith lessons, moral stories, and scientific facts into thoughtfully crafted content that educates, inspires, and bridges tradition with modernity.
Friday, 4 November 2022
value of human life
Never rely on luck. Because God is telling his human beings. You work hard, I will give you food to eat and wear and something to live. This means that never sit on luck, always keep your faith in hard work, it is hard work that took man from the ground to the moon. It was the hard work of man who took the train by bullock cart, which used to take hours to travel, now it is taking minutes. It was human hard work that taught him to fly in the sky, a person can travel through aeroplane to another country in a few hours. This is human hard work. The one who ripped off the hair and made paths in it was the hard work of human beings. One who can travel even under water and a person can go to another country through a ship, it was the hard work of man but not luck, of course, everything is happening according to the will of God, but God also says that you humans I work hard, I will give you its fruits. When a person works hard, then God who created his person will be happy because hard work always works for the person, if you do not work hard, the next person will work hard and if you eat it by snatching it, then God will not be angry. Those who are poor and rich, it is a game on all men, the one who works hard becomes a good person and the one who does not work, the careless person becomes poor, God has given everyone an equal body, it is not for anyone. 5 hands have been given, it is not given to anyone, God has made everyone equal, the only difference is that a person has to use his right time at the right place, God has given you freedom, now you can do anything in the world . Whether you do good or do bad, you are responsible for it, whether you are sitting with bad people, whether you are sitting with the right people, you are all responsible for them, when God takes the account on the day of doom, then God will ask God to tell you what your body Used at the place i.e. where did you do your work, it is not that you did your work in a bad place or if you did good work then God will ask you tell me where did you spend your time i.e. where did you do your work, which people benefited which people That you supported the kilo of evil, cheated with these people, with whom did you chuckle, with whom did you behave well God will ask everything and answer all your hands and feet, God raised his hand on the laborer, A God It had killed a human being, God had helped people with these hands, whatever you would have done, I would start speaking on my own, who did this shloka with me and he with me.A person should always do good work and always eat his hard work and help people as much as possible, and if you cannot help then do not do bad to anyone, the best thing is if you have others inside you. If you do not have the courage to do good, then do not have the courage to do evil to others and think bad of others. Every person has to die, how much man will live, we believe that since you were born, you will live 50 years, you will live 100 years or you will go 200 years, you will go to 300, you will go to 400 years, suppose you have lived 1000 years, die So you have to die, it is a human being in any case, so why not a human being always taking care of his death and thinking about the afterlife that we also have to die sometime, then why go with people who have died but some things Left in the world in such a way that those who are still studying sins, if you have done good in the world and you are dead, then your sins will continue to be forgiven and but you have done some such work which is causing people's depression in the world and your Because of this, people have become worse, then you will never get peace, did you get peace here or there, so in the end, always be with good people and always do good and do good to people and always eat the food of your hard work. Also do your hard work, don't rely on others, do it yourself and also help people.Some people keep on relying on their luck that they will get what they get in luck, you will work hard or you will get good too. If once Bala brings ice and instead of selling ice, he starts gossiping somewhere or seeing something, then his ice will become all water if he keeps working hard and takes care of the ice and sees people's customers then he will not be harmed . Such is our life, if we work hard, our life is an ice, if we use it properly, then I will profit from it and if we gossip, then we will suffer, so use it properly, you will put it in such a place, ruin your life. You will be like the ice man got water, in the same way you will get nothing, you will get water to eat wherever you get it because water is free in the world and nothing is free and filtered water is not free, it will be available with money only. If I have spent any money, then I will take the money of Pani.
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